Anna is a happy, determined and vivacious 7-year-old little girl who received a diagnosis of spastic diplegic cerebral palsy only last year at 6 years of age.
Anna’s Dad, Roy is a Member of the Cork Branch ISRS
Cerebral palsy is an umbrella term that refers to a group of disorders affecting a person’s ability to move. This condition affects body movement, muscle control, muscle coordination, muscle tone, reflex, posture, and balance. Although cerebral palsy is a permanent life-long condition, some of these signs of cerebral palsy can improve or worsen over time.
Anna is fiercely independent and is determined to complete tasks by herself. While she is able to get around and walk, even though her balance is very poor, she often experiences frustration when trying to keep up with her peers or her older sister Emma. She requires assistance for everyday tasks such as dressing, toileting and getting in and out of the car. In time, the spasticity, or increased stiffness in muscle tone, will cause Anna further discomfort and orthopaedic problems which will more than likely require extensive surgery and impact on her independence.
The good news is we have been given hope. There is medical intervention available that can change Anna’s life. Our daughter has been given the amazing opportunity to have life-changing surgery in St Louis, USA. She has been accepted as a candidate for Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy (SDR) surgery. Dr TS Park and his team are the world leaders in this procedure that involves the identification and severing of the sensory nerves causing spasticity in the lower limbs. More detailed information on this procedure can be seen at
This procedure will change Anna’s life! It will permanently reduce the spasticity in her legs allowing more freedom for her to move, enable improved balance and maximise his level of physical comfort. Dr Park and his team have predicted that “Anna will be able to walk independently in all environments.”
We see every day how spasticity holds Anna back, so for us, this surgery and the independence it will offer Anna is the greatest opportunity we could have dreamed of.
We know that the surgery coupled with the tailored intensive physical therapy program in the following 12 months will make our beautiful girl’s wish to dance come true. Our decision to go ahead with SDR surgery has been a difficult one, but we believe that this is the exact step required to give Anna the ability to walk, run and dance on her own two feet
The biggest challenge for us to make this opportunity a reality is to raise the €100 000 required to cover the cost of the operation, therapy requirements, follow up treatments and travel to and from the US. Fundraising is our best hope of providing Anna with this once in a lifetime opportunity and we need as much help as possible.
If you could find it in your heart to help in any way we will be so thankful.
You can assist in any one of the following ways:
Share our link and story (social media/radio/news)
Make a donation to Anna’s Go Fund Me page,
Donate an item for a prize/auction
Host an event! For example a coffee morning, corporate lunch, cocktail party or quiz night
Attend a hosted event, check back for details!
Thank you so much for reading Anna’s story XX
(If you prefer, the option is available to donate directly to Anna’s surgery bank account.
Details are as follows…
IBAN: IE75BOFI90288075473697
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